Our challenge is clear. The responsibility for human survival on Earth and the survival of our offspring lies with us. We cannot continue sending damaged and corrupt genetic memories generations into what dwindling future may remain for our descendants. Doing so will only result in the same historical suicidal behavior that will eventually lead to our demise.
Some among us predict our species will become extinct within a thousand years. Some doubt it will last nearly that long. Some look to the Mayan Calendar and lived in muted fear of 12/21/2012, predicting that December 21, 2012 would be "end of the world".
Still others believe that much of what men and women report as prophecy is not prophecy, but the neurotic ramblings of pessimistic minds beaten down by our own history. Still, who can argue with any degree of certainty and without the emotional torrents of wishful denial that the prophetic vision of Impression Prophecy won't come true if human behavior on a broad scale does not change?
The Sisterhood of Savior Women must be an emerging destiny that will champion the effort to lead Eve's Children away from our suicidal history. But they face a difficult if not impossible challenge. If humankind is to reverse the chronic suicidal behavior leading to the Divine Extinction of our species, Savior Women must help us rescue ourselves from the primordial traps that enslave us.
They will have to help men and women exorcise the corrupted gift of the Mutant Lesser Power cited in Impression Prophecy; and help us exercise behavior that invites and not alienate our Creator so that we are mortal symbiont and eternal intimates of The Immortal Living God. We can do that if we commit ourselves to living lives supported by the wisdom of Eve's Simple Realities.
Contemporary humans must immediately begin living lives reflected by Simple Realities in large enough numbers that our synergistic behaviors can reverse our present course in The Experiment. We must become a new people. We must become a brave new people. We must be willing to embrace a moral compass for an honorable civilized people.
Many more of us must become a servant who find pleasure in giving our Symbiotic God and ourselves the beautiful gift of Symbiotic Intimacy that Simple Realities afford us. We must be willing to embrace a different kind of morality; a morality based on what is good and best for God, Earth, and all of humankind, not false piety, self-serving ethics, of self-effacing devotion.
We must become a bold new people, a people who are the blessed new symbiont of our Experimenting Symbiotic God.