If you are a mother who supports the conservative agenda of predatory billionaires, right wing Republicans, and Tea Party radicals you are not as smart or as patriotic as you think you are. Nor do you love your daughters and granddaughters as much as you think you do. What you are is delusional, suicidal, sexist, and homophobic. What you are is an opponent of democracy, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and women. And you don't love your female children.
Furthermore, no amount of angry bitching and proclamations about how much you love your country and how much you love your daughters and granddaughters can change that fact.
If you are a mother who votes for right wing conservative Republicans, then you are a woman who supports the active Republican War On Women. You are opposed to equal pay for women because you support the Republican platform that women should not be paid the same as men for doing the same work. You support the conservative Republican platform that employers, based on their religious beliefs, should be able to provide health insurance coverage that offers Viagra and vasectomies for men, but deny all or some kinds of contraceptives and birth control for women.
You support the rationale that conservative Republicans should use any means necessary, even lie, to deny you and your daughters affordable health care. You believe that they especially should be able to deny you the Affordable Health Care Act they call Obamacare--even though they have nothing with which to replace it. Nor do they pretend that they will replace it. The truth is, they simply don't want poor, working class, middle class women and their daughters to have affordable health care. They want you in debt. And if they have to get rid of Planned Parenthood to prevent women form receiving reproductive and sexual health care, they will even lie and produce fake videos to do it.
Republicans don't want women who are not wealthy to have a right to the kind of medical care that, in a predatory medical system only the wealthy can afford. The same can be said about jobs that pay living wages, safe drinking water, breathable air, affordable college and job training. They simply don't want you, your daughters, and your granddaughters to have it.
In the past 15 years, the Republican party has neither proposed nor supported any policies or congressional legislation that contribute to the health, prosperity and pursuit of happiness for non-wealthy women and their children.They are opposed to anything that contribute to the common good.
It is time for all mothers, regardless of their political leanings, to support themselves, their mothers, their daughters and granddaughters and help end or at least slow down the conservative war on women. Show conservative lawmakers that you have seen through their hypocrisy by voting them out of office. Remind yourself that you are doing this because you reject conservative policies that motivate conservatives to:
1. Disseminate incorrect and blatantly false information about general health and sexual health to mothers and their daughters.
2. Deny access to affordable health care services provided by Planned Parenthood.
3. Force women to have babies they don't want and don't need.
4. Deny women access to affordable birth control; then tell women that if they don't want to get pregnant then they should stop having sex.
5. When single women get pregnant and are forced to have their babies then--except for the daughters of popular conservatives, they are ridiculed by conservatives who try to shame them for being single mothers.
6. Destroy the public school system so that poor, working class, and the disappearing middle class children can not get an education that helps them get out of poverty.
Of course, if you are a selfish woman whose family is part of the predatory wealthy or a paid pundit of the predatory wealthy or a member of the predatory side of conservative republican movement, this argument does not apply to you. But if you are any other woman, regardless of your race, ethnic background, or political affiliation, argument is absolutely applicable to you.
It is time for every women to let politicians know that they have had enough of what is, in fact, a global war on women. Let them know that you especially have had enough of policies, decreased funding, and laws that create and perpetuate generations of poverty and misery for you, your daughters and your daughter's daughters. While you still have a vote , help keep right wing conservatives out of government. To do otherwise is dangerous to the health, happiness, and welfare of you, your mother, your daughters, and your granddaughters,