The Republican party and its Super-PAC cohorts have spent millions convincing its poor working class and working middle class minions that Democrats are against building wealth. They have spent millions more making them believe that what gets in the way of their own wealth building is President Obama's desire to take money from the rich and give it to lazy liberals.
Most conveniently ignore the fact that as many poor and needy conservatives among the poor working class and working middle class in red state and blue states alike receive government assistance as do poor and needy liberals among the poor working class and working middle class. And they conveniently ignore the fact that Republican politicians on the conservative right have spent the last eleven years claiming mandates, supporting policies, and passing or working to pass laws that weaken the middle class and keep the poor in poverty. Since 2008 much of it has been based on their desire to "Make sure Obama fails even if it means America fails." In the past, these acts would have made them guilty of sedition or treason against America. But that's a subject for another time.
Every conservative Christian understands that God does not expect us to work for nothing. That is why He Commands and Honors a symbiotic relationship with Him in His Need for human presence on the Living Plant Earth. Otherwise our species could not have made the advances we have made in our short sojourn on Earth. But, the corrupted gift from The Evil One has fostered a relationship with men that corrupted innate ambition and morphed it into unbridled greed--a banner that has proudly been taken up by greedy self-serving politicians on the conservative right.
The only purpose of a hoarding greedy mentality of an already wealthy man is to elevate the social status and monetary worth of that man so that in his own eyes and in the eyes of his admirers, confidants, and adversaries he exhibits an air of self-worth, superiority, power, and control. The wealthy have always lorded over the poor. Jesus the Christ said, the poor will always be with us. Therefore it is likely that many among the wealthy will continue to lord it over the poor. It is the way of sin and the desire for power and control based on greed.
But what value is there for a very wealthy man to live in opulent luxury high above the abject poor in the streets below, and who graces hanging gardens on his terrace with the waste of constantly flowing water while the poor in the streets below have no water for much of the day or are forced to drink unclean water as happens daily in some places on this planet?
In America, what is in the make up of wealthy politicians; who along with their wives, husbands, and children have health care supplied by the tax dollars of working class and middle class Americans; that makes them work so hard to deny affordable health care for other Americans who are not as fortunate?
What drives a man who is worth 500 million dollars to hoard 750 million dollars or a billion dollars with no intent to use any of it to improve humankind? Why is a man who is worth a billion dollars driven by the need to hoard two billion dollars or the man with two billion dollars driven by the need to hoard ten billion dollars with no desire to pay taxes on any of it or intent to share beyond his rich milieu?
Why do the rich and powerful in the GOP espouse rhetoric, enact laws, and enact draconian measures designed to hurt the poor working class and the working middle class in America? Why do they work so hard to demonize Democrats for Christ Like behavior designed to help those same American citizens? Every true Christian know this is not Christian behavior.
So one is left to wonder, what demons possess the hearts, minds, and souls of professed Christians on the right to persuade them to rail against Democrats--even resorting to vicious lies to do it-- for trying to improve the health, education, social security, financial security, and civil rights of all Americans; regardless of religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, social status, and economic status; and not make America a playground and stepchild of the very rich?
We have within our immediate purview definitive proof that God rewards us when we are compassionate and civil to other Americans. Do something helpful or pleasant for someone who needs help but did not expect it or request it from you. And do it without expectation of reward, public acknowledgement, feelings of superiority, and without patronizing the recipient of your help. Feelings of soothing happiness and well being will immediately wash over you.
God rewards us when we do something that pleases Him. It is how God lets us know that He approves our desire to be civil and to care for each other. But hate, division, lies, and unbridled greed washes all that away.