Reflections On the Cultural War Against Democracy, Families, Working Class Americans, Life Liberty & the Pursuit Of Happiness, Education, Civility, Truth, Justice, And Mothers & Daughters Of The Living Planet We Call Earth.
Why Are Republicans Opposed to Environmental Protection?
The Environmental Protection Agency is good for your sons and daughters and for America The Beautiful. So why are Republicans opposed to Environmental Protection.Only the voice of idiots, demons, and mean spirits deride and make fun of environmentalists and others who work to save Earth and America The Beautiful from human desecration and destruction.
Right wing-nut jobs and others of myopic narrow minded intellect who attempt to embarrass and ridicule environmentalist by calling them inflammatory names and other such nonsense do not devalue the work they do. A defiled planet Earth will exact severe penalties on you, your children, and other living things for many generations after the original defilers have long since been dead.
Creation will not tolerate never-ending violations of the Living Planet Earth by the experimental species that still calls itself man. If humans want to remain an integral part of this Living Planet and not live in conflict with it , we must have the intelligence and the integrity to accept the fact that we are just part of a grander scheme.
Creation intended that we should be caretakers of parts of Earth. We should not be participants in any effort to destroy any of it. Only man's alliance with the prince of evil and greed got us to this point. When we make peace with that fact of our creation, we benefit from and feel the healthy happiness and good feelings that living in harmony with our planetary home imbue us.
Millions of men and women have a longing for "getting back to nature"--a longing that grows out of an unhappiness that is a consequence of the alienation a greedy self-centered world impales upon the human spirit. It is the result of a withdrawal brought about by an alienation from the gift of nature. Feelings of ambiguous frustrations growing out of no apparent cause and for no apparent reason frequently manifest the unhappiness brought about by estrangement from nature. Living a life that enjoys but is not in conflict with the Living Planet Earth is an essential line of defense against these feelings.
Children who have a prolific amount of electronics and technology ostensibly designed to entertain them, exercise their minds and bodies, as well as teach them usable skills often complain to parents that they are bored. As often as not, what they are experiencing is emptiness brought about by an absence of an interaction with Creation's gift of the natural world on the Living Planet Earth. Children must interact with life in order to be filled with life and to appreciate life. So must their parents.
Mothers and fathers must make efforts to give their sons and daughters this gift of life. And while it may not be as easy to do this as it was in a earlier time, Americans have been given the gift of our National Park System by a group of men and women who had the liberal foresight, intellect and wisdom to protect some parts of American The Beautiful to preserve Creation's gift to his human creations and help recreate in us the gift of serenity and life.
It is in your best interest and the best interest of your sons and daughters and their progeny, and the beauty of the United States Of America that we do not blow it.
By Bennie Wiley
For Women and Men Who Care About Women
Why Are Republicans Opposed to Environmental Protection?
The Environmental Protection Agency is good for your sons and daughters and for America The Beautiful. So why are Republicans opposed to Environmental Protection.Only the voice of idiots, demons, and mean spirits deride and make fun of environmentalists and others who work to save Earth and America The Beautiful from human desecration and destruction.
Right wing-nut jobs and others of myopic narrow minded intellect who attempt to embarrass and ridicule environmentalist by calling them inflammatory names and other such nonsense do not devalue the work they do. A defiled planet Earth will exact severe penalties on you, your children, and other living things for many generations after the original defilers have long since been dead.
Creation will not tolerate never-ending violations of the Living Planet Earth by the experimental species that still calls itself man. If humans want to remain an integral part of this Living Planet and not live in conflict with it , we must have the intelligence and the integrity to accept the fact that we are just part of a grander scheme.
Creation intended that we should be caretakers of parts of Earth. We should not be participants in any effort to destroy any of it. Only man's alliance with the prince of evil and greed got us to this point. When we make peace with that fact of our creation, we benefit from and feel the healthy happiness and good feelings that living in harmony with our planetary home imbue us.
Millions of men and women have a longing for "getting back to nature"--a longing that grows out of an unhappiness that is a consequence of the alienation a greedy self-centered world impales upon the human spirit. It is the result of a withdrawal brought about by an alienation from the gift of nature. Feelings of ambiguous frustrations growing out of no apparent cause and for no apparent reason frequently manifest the unhappiness brought about by estrangement from nature. Living a life that enjoys but is not in conflict with the Living Planet Earth is an essential line of defense against these feelings.
Children who have a prolific amount of electronics and technology ostensibly designed to entertain them, exercise their minds and bodies, as well as teach them usable skills often complain to parents that they are bored. As often as not, what they are experiencing is emptiness brought about by an absence of an interaction with Creation's gift of the natural world on the Living Planet Earth. Children must interact with life in order to be filled with life and to appreciate life. So must their parents.
Mothers and fathers must make efforts to give their sons and daughters this gift of life. And while it may not be as easy to do this as it was in a earlier time, Americans have been given the gift of our National Park System by a group of men and women who had the liberal foresight, intellect and wisdom to protect some parts of American The Beautiful to preserve Creation's gift to his human creations and help recreate in us the gift of serenity and life.
It is in your best interest and the best interest of your sons and daughters and their progeny, and the beauty of the United States Of America that we do not blow it.
Why Are Republicans Opposed to Environmental Protection?
The Environmental Protection Agency is good for your sons and daughters and for America The Beautiful. So why are Republicans opposed to Environmental Protection.Only the voice of idiots, demons, and mean spirits deride and make fun of environmentalists and others who work to save Earth and America The Beautiful from human desecration and destruction.
Right wing-nut jobs and others of myopic narrow minded intellect who attempt to embarrass and ridicule environmentalist by calling them inflammatory names and other such nonsense do not devalue the work they do. A defiled planet Earth will exact severe penalties on you, your children, and other living things for many generations after the original defilers have long since been dead.
Creation will not tolerate never-ending violations of the Living Planet Earth by the experimental species that still calls itself man. If humans want to remain an integral part of this Living Planet and not live in conflict with it , we must have the intelligence and the integrity to accept the fact that we are just part of a grander scheme.
Creation intended that we should be caretakers of parts of Earth. We should not be participants in any effort to destroy any of it. Only man's alliance with the prince of evil and greed got us to this point. When we make peace with that fact of our creation, we benefit from and feel the healthy happiness and good feelings that living in harmony with our planetary home imbue us.
Millions of men and women have a longing for "getting back to nature"--a longing that grows out of an unhappiness that is a consequence of the alienation a greedy self-centered world impales upon the human spirit. It is the result of a withdrawal brought about by an alienation from the gift of nature. Feelings of ambiguous frustrations growing out of no apparent cause and for no apparent reason frequently manifest the unhappiness brought about by estrangement from nature. Living a life that enjoys but is not in conflict with the Living Planet Earth is an essential line of defense against these feelings.
Children who have a prolific amount of electronics and technology ostensibly designed to entertain them, exercise their minds and bodies, as well as teach them usable skills often complain to parents that they are bored. As often as not, what they are experiencing is emptiness brought about by an absence of an interaction with Creation's gift of the natural world on the Living Planet Earth. Children must interact with life in order to be filled with life and to appreciate life. So must their parents.
Mothers and fathers must make efforts to give their sons and daughters this gift of life. And while it may not be as easy to do this as it was in a earlier time, Americans have been given the gift of our National Park System by a group of men and women who had the liberal foresight, intellect and wisdom to protect some parts of American The Beautiful to preserve Creation's gift to his human creations and help recreate in us the gift of serenity and life.
It is in your best interest and the best interest of your sons and daughters and their progeny, and the beauty of the United States Of America that we do not blow it.
Posted by Bennie Wiley on 02/09/2016 at 10:35 AM in America, Beauty, Children, Children's Rights, Environment, Happiness, Social Commentary | Permalink
Tags: America the beautiful, beauty of the USA, creation, creator, demons, earth, electronics, entertainment, environment, environmentalist, experimental species, getting back to nature, national park system, planet earth, right wing nut job, sons and daughters, technology
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