It wasn't an obvious thing for me to consider, but the thought was persistent. Perhaps that was the best God could do at the time. I don't remember when I first received this Impression or how many times I received it before it became part of what I knew and understood. Early on it annoyed me; for any implication that God could can be insufficient and less than an infallible God was more that I believed I could safely entertain. Besides, I was ambivalent about the source. When I chose to assert divine revelation, I experienced too much anxiety to...
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Experimental Children In Eve's Garden
It wasn't an obvious thing for me to consider, but the thought was persistent. Perhaps that was the best God could do at the time. I don't remember when I first received this Impression or how many times I received it before it became part of what I knew and understood. Early on it annoyed me; for any implication that God could can be insufficient and less than an infallible God was more that I believed I could safely entertain. Besides, I was ambivalent about the source. When I chose to assert divine revelation, I experienced too much anxiety to... Read more →
Posted by Bennie Wiley on 08/06/2016 at 06:00 PM in Children, Creation, Eternal Life, Faith, God, Human Beings, Human Survival, Men and Women, Religion, Search For God, Social Commentary, Social Responsibility, Women | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: blog, death wish, Eden, experiment, fall of man, food chain, food chain, God's Creation, godsend, man, origin, population control, religious instructions, tree of life, woman
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