Why do so many women on the Christians right seem angry and unhappy? Is it because they are? Is it because angry Christians have embraced the rhetoric of division, hate, and ethnic and moral superiority instead of the love for humanity The Christ showed? Shouldn't a professed love for Jesus Christ and the tenets of Christianity be a balm for anger, hate, ugliness,and unhappiness?
Inside the church, we witness professed Christian heads bowed in saintly reverence to God and Jesus Christ. And we see eyes and hands raised to the heavens for the same reasons. Inside the church they seem joyous and happy; outside the church, not so much. Shouldn't christian love for God and Jesus Christ be reflected in christian love for humanity? But no light can shine from us to God and God to us when it is blocked by hatred for God's other children simply because they aren't like whoever we define ourselves to be.
Look at the faces of the angry crowd; what do you see? Better yet, look in the mirror when you're seething with anger, bitterness, and hate. What do you see? The picture from both are the same. What is more important is what you don't see. In the mirror what you don't see is the face of serenity and beauty smiling back at you. In the angry hate-filled crowd, you don't see faces of serenity and beauty. In fact, the "beautiful people" are hardly ever participating members of the ugly angry crowd. Angry mobs are populated mostly by ugly people.
Ugly Christian should be an oxymoron because the love Christians profess for God and Jesus Christ should be reflected back in the christian love for humanity that The Christ showed. This does not imply that a true Christian can never be angry. According to the Gospels, Jesus became angry when He witnessed the money changers in the Temple; He smashed their tables and threw them out because The Christ demanded that they not blaspheme His Father's House.
Do you have the same rights as Jesus Christ to be aggressive and offensive to people who offend your values and sensibilities? To be sure, you are not Jesus Christ. Nor was story written to demonstrate the right for "God-fearing" or God-Loving people to get angry and to harm to others when they exhibit behavior that does not in theory meet their personal standards of behavior. Of course every individual, Christian or not, have the "right" to be protective of their own values and morality. But that does not give them the right to hate and foment incivility and violence against non-violent peoples merely because they are different and don't share their same values and sometimes hypocritical morality. Sometimes the angry moralist is simply on the wrong side of humanity and Jesus Christ.
Women especially should be wary of professed christian men in the angry crowd who uses"Love", "Jesus", "God", "God fearing", and "Respect for women" in the same sentence or just before they scream "bitch!", "slut!", "whore!" and "fuck you bitch!" to someone they have never met and do not know except for a reputation created and perpetuated from sources with a political agenda.
Based upon what we read in the Gospels, much too often, the values the ugly christian defends with such vile hate and vulgarity are the values that offends The Christ. And that is not an ugly christian. That is the ugly behavior of someone who professes Christianity because in their vulgar mind it sounds good. The truth is that such behavior makes them more like disciples of the anti-Christ than like disciples of Jesus Christ.