While the sex drive is strong in all mammals, the human male's fascination with the vagina is obsessive. Men have always had a powerful sexual attraction for women. Without a powerful sexual attraction our species would be diminished or extinct. However, beyond the need to procreate and receive sexual pleasure, human males seems fascinated by and mesmerized by the vagina. Every year men spend millions of dollars in strip clubs and venues otherwise known as men's clubs or gentlemen's clubs just to gaze at vaginas. Given the male's sexual attraction for women and our fascination with the vagina, why then... Read more →
Violence Against Women In Eve's Garden Is A Real Outrage.
In 2013 let's hope America put its outrage in proper perspective. In 2012 we were witness to Americans being outraged over a variety of issues. Birthers were outraged over President Barack Obama's birth certificate, or as they considered it, the lack thereof. Some Americans were outraged that the POTUS did not show them his college transcript. Recently, some Americans were "outraged" over what they deemed was the POTUS' "abuse of power" in using an executive order to give members of congress a raise for 2013, never mind the fact that it was likely a ploy to give his GOP opposition... Read more →
Posted by Bennie Wiley on 01/03/2013 at 03:30 AM in Current Affairs, Social Commentary, Social Responsibility, Violence Against Women, War On Women, Women | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: americans, blog, culture of rape, culture of rape, eve's garden, gang rape, India, outrage, outraged, POTUS, rape, republican senators, sexual abuse, transvaginal ultrasound, USA USA citizens, vaginal probes, VAW, VAWA, violence against women, violence against women act
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