The Republican party and its Super-PAC cohorts have spent millions convincing its poor working class and working middle class minions that Democrats are against building wealth. They have spent millions more making them believe that what gets in the way of their own wealth building is President Obama's desire to take money from the rich and give it to lazy liberals. Most conveniently ignore the fact that as many poor and needy conservatives among the poor working class and working middle class in red state and blue states alike receive government assistance as do poor and needy liberals among the... Read more →
Why Are Republicans Opposed to Environmental Protection?
The Environmental Protection Agency is good for your sons and daughters and for America The Beautiful. So why are Republicans opposed to Environmental Protection.Only the voice of idiots, demons, and mean spirits deride and make fun of environmentalists and others who work to save Earth and America The Beautiful from human desecration and destruction. Right wing-nut jobs and others of myopic narrow minded intellect who attempt to embarrass and ridicule environmentalist by calling them inflammatory names and other such nonsense do not devalue the work they do. A defiled planet Earth will exact severe penalties on you, your children, and... Read more →
Posted by Bennie Wiley on 02/09/2016 at 10:35 AM in America, Beauty, Children, Children's Rights, Environment, Happiness, Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: America the beautiful, beauty of the USA, creation, creator, demons, earth, electronics, entertainment, environment, environmentalist, experimental species, getting back to nature, national park system, planet earth, right wing nut job, sons and daughters, technology
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