God will hear your prayers regardless of their origin in the same way He relishes your songs of praise even if you don't compose them. You only need to be sincere when you offer them. If any of the prayers herein are reflections of what you would like to say to God, you can offer them. You can read them to God. Or you can commit them to memory and recite them. The prayers below are just examples of the kind of prayers you can offer God for children, home, and family. Your best prayers, however, come from inside you--your... Read more →
Rules For Keeping Your Prayers Out Of God's Junk Mail File.
We affirm that every one of God's children has a God Given Right to pray to God for any reason. Still, some conditions must be met if we don't want our prayers to end up in a God's slush pile or junk mail file. This is true for all of His children, even His most intimate Symbionts. Fortunately the List is very short. 1. Do not ask God to give you power over another human being's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of a healthy moral happiness. Just as God will not serve as a talisman through which we... Read more →
Posted by Bennie Wiley on 11/06/2012 at 07:57 PM in Faith, God, Prayer, Social Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: blog, god of creation, god's children, god's will, junk mail, miracle, pray, pray to god, prayers, selah, symbiont, wealth
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